A Long Time Coming
I didn't want to let an entire year lapse before posting again. Is anybody still out there?
Life has been busy for me, to say the least, these last months. Here's a summary:
-- Scott and I went on what could be our last lengthy and unfettered vacation in July 2006.
-- We welcomed our most perfect creations ever -- Grace Elizabeth and Megan Anne -- into the world on August 31. Twins!
-- The first 12 weeks of their lives (and subsequently the length of my maternity leave) passed in a whirl of joy, exhaustion, emotional turmoil, and new-parent anxiety. I really learned what I was made of during that time.
-- I went back to work the Monday after Thanksgiving. Scott and I traded duties: He stays home with the girls and I support our family.
-- Until just recently, I spent most of my days doing the same thing: Working really hard, rushing home to be with the girls and help Scott, put the girls to bed, finally give in to my own exhaustion.
-- I'm finally getting my grip, which is probably helped along by the improved weather. I've started to find reserves of energy and creative drive that allow me to read or knit for longer than 5ish minutes at a time. I'm up to about 10-minute stints now, woo-hoo!
-- And now today, we took the girls out flower shopping. They helped us choose some petunias, geraniums, African daisies, and impatiens to spruce up the lawn. Gracie took a nap at the greenhouse, but Megan was all agog.
Life is full and wonderful (though some days are wonderfuller than others, if I'm completely honest). I am blessed.

Meet Gracie and Megan, left to right.