I Know What I'm Getting for Christmas

I have a week off from work beginning next Wednesday. I'm plotting and scheming what my next knitting project will be. I thought I had it all figured out: I was going to use the hot pink yarn from the last post to make the Point Five Pullover from The Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple Knits. I've also been thinking about venturing into colorwork. Scott and I went to Frankenmuth (a place I secretly love) this weekend where he saw a fabulous Dale of Norway sweater that he begged me to make for him. Add that to the lovely colorwork stocking Jan at Be*mused made, and I'm stuck.
Alas, I guess I should concentrate on finishing the sweater vest. I stalled out because I can't figure out what seaming method to use for reverse stockinette. Does anybody out there have any suggestions? I'm particularly befuddled by how to stitch the shoulder seams together invisibly.
I secretly love Frankenmuth too. We should start a support group. Kern's sausage, anyone?
As for seaming reverse stockinette, I can't find "The Knitter's Book of Finishing Techniques" (the horror!) but a couple ideas come to mind.
1. Could you pick out the bind-offs and put the two seams back on the needles, then do a three-needle bind-off?
2. How about crocheting the seam?
You could always go all 1980s on it and put the seam on the right side.
Merry Christmas to you! : ) Hope Santa is good to you.
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