Library Expansion
I'd received a Borders gift card a while back, which means that I suffered from What-to-Buy-with-My-Gift Card Anxiety. I don't know why I feel such pressure to buy just the right something whenever I have a gift certificate, but I'm sure it goes back to my family's frugal roots.
In any case, I thought long and hard about what would be special enough to deserve being purchased with my gifty stash. Today I decided.

The Jean Frost Jackets should have been a no-brainer for me months ago. After all, I've checked it out from the library at least three times now. It has the best information on fitting knitted items that I've read so far. That alone made it worthwhile. Plus, the designs contained within are wonderfully classic and tailored-looking. I also appreciate that the yarns she chose to use for her jackets are neither impossible to find or excruciatingly expensive, should I choose to use the same yarns.

Hmmm... I'm noting a pattern here: I'm late on the poncho uptake a bit and I'm ages behind on the Clapotis frenzy. Hey, has anyone heard about those books about a kid wizard-in-training named Harry Potter? I hear they're really something.
Addendum: For all of you who are just beside yourselves to know how it was that I was painting last weekend what with my injured ankle, I'm happy to report that I booted The Boot and I'm now wearing a super-duper and less noticeable brace that allows me to get around pretty normally. Unfortunately, it has thrust me into the Mall Walker phase of my personal style; I'm unable to wear any shoes but my white tennies with the brace, regardless of how it coordinates with the rest of my ensemble. Vanity hurts: Friday I decided to chuck the brace just so I could dress with a bit more sophistication. Alas, I'm paying for it today with a rather achey foot and ankle.
I do the exact same thing with gift certificates! It is ridiculous. I have a $75 g.c. from Banana Republic that was given to me 2 years ago. I have bought plenty of things from there in the meantime ... but I saving the g.c. for "special."
PS - glad to hear that you are discovering knitting book @ your public library. : )
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