I'm All Smiles, Darling

The note attached to the bouquet congratulated me on my new office, but I'm seeing the flowers as a loving acknowledgement that we finally made it through the long haul of some of what capital-L Life throws at you sometimes.
Good things breed more good things, apparently. Scott also got his official teacher's certification from the State of Michigan today. I've taken to calling him Mr. I or Mr. Isgrigg so he'll be prepared for when he gets a job.
Ooh la la, sis! That boy sure does know you well. Your new yellow office sure looks swell. who couldn't love to be surrounded by audrey all day. And, i'm so happy you avoided the "dusty butt cheek" decor of the other.
lovely flowers.
AND because I must:
"I was just testin' your knee flexes."
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