Heaven... I'm in Heaven

I couldn't resist. When I should have been cleaning and painting and doing any other of the myriad house projects we need to complete before our friends come in next weekend, I cast on for the Booga Bag. It seems like everyone else in knitting blogland has made one of these, and now I'm jumping onboard. I've finished the bottom already. What a difference size 10½ needles make compared to those 2s and 3s I've been using.
Let me also just say that as many times as I've admired Noro Kureyon objects on others' blogs, I couldn't truly understand its beauty until I'd felt the strands of wool slip through my own fingers. The color! Truly inspired, and truly divine.
Kureyon is addictive. I think it's the wonder of watching its beautiful colors develop and change before your eyes. Hard to put down an in-progress Kureyon project!
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