Love Is in the Air

This morning, I checked my email before I left for work to discover that my Mum -- ever wise and ever knowing about her daughter -- had emailed a family photo taken a few weeks ago that showed me and Scott at our loving best. We were squabbling and it was caught on virtual film. What you see above is the detail from that photo, which out of context looks like we could be sharing a loving gaze instead of one of our usual silly spats.
This blog's all about keeping it real, folks.
In knitting news, I found out that the craft fair I'm aiming to sell my scarves at has been scheduled for November 11. Yowsa! I'd better get a move on. I've got 1 scarf completed and another nearly finished.
This is truly going to be an experiment in whether I can supercede my procrastinator's ways. I don't know whether to blame the public school system or my genes, but for as long as I can remember any time I've got to have something done by a certain date that inner rebel inside of me sabotages myself at every turn. And if I don't have a due date, well, that's even worse. Case in point: the half-bathroom I tore out over a year-and-a-half ago that's still in a state not much better than when I tore everything out.
Well, the scarves are calling...
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